Parallel Lines Between Mary Magdalene and #Me Too

What are the parallel lines between the leading first lady of Christianity Mary Magdalene and today’s #Me Too movement?

     September 21, 591 CE is the known date when Pope Gregory the Great, or not-so-great, began the blending of the significance of Mary Magdalene, who performed the anointing of Jesus’s head, preparing him for burial. This act occurred in Bethany. We know this is Mary Magdalene as she and Jesus’s mother Mary also anoint and tend to his wounds after the three-hour crucifixion when the body is brought to the tomb.

     A significant change began to cast women in general into exile when writings by Christian patriarchs, most notably saints Augustine (354-430) and Jerome (342-420), who began to view women as morally and spiritually inferior to men. The material world, flesh, the devil, and women were lumped together as a source of evil that kept men from attaining spiritual union with God. The married priests were eventually run out of the church of Rome. (Starbird 1993, 68) Celibacy was now a requirement to become a priest. We can now see where Pope Gregory’s sermon defaming Mary Magdalene got its roots, and so much of history went awry. We can also see that there are men who live in exile too. If you want to read more, check out chapter 20, “The Mother of the Angels.” In the book Mary 153 Mother of the Angels.

     Books like the Holy Blood, Holy Grail, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar: Mary Magdalene and the Holy Grail, and The Davinci Code have started to break open the locks on the chains that have kept Mary Magdalene in exile. We see more and more information emerging in the world to free her from the chains that have kept her there.

In the parallel line to Mary, we can also see other chains of exile being broken worldwide in the # Me Too movement.

     The legal system’s non-disclosure agreements have been a way to keep predators in top positions of companies. When the person is not interested in their advances, they lose their jobs, and, not surprisingly, for some, their entire careers. Non-disclosures documents stifle a person’s ability, to tell the truth. They also allow deceit, theft, and other ills of society to continue to prey upon unknowing victims.

     Strong people stand up for themselves, but the strongest stand up for others. Those who stand tall, defend, and advocate for the betterment of others can be called the true heroes in the world. I am thrilled to announce a shining example of what can happen when both parties work together! They will accomplish more when they unite versus when they divide, and critical rethinking has occurred. Bravo!!!

     On March 3, 2022, President Biden signed into law the Ending Forced Arbitration for Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Act. This is a historic moment in time for the #MeToo movement. This act is one of the most critical and historical changes to federal labor laws, and it is about time!