On October 26th, 2022, The Great North Innocence Project held a fundraiser in Minneapolis, MN. “The Great North Innocence Project (GN-IP) works to free wrongfully convicted people and to prevent wrongful convictions from occurring in the future.” They cover Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota.

     Thousands of hours are spent analyzing cases where newly discovered evidence could prove innocence. The GN-IP has impressively worked to free seven people who spent a combined 84 years in jail for crimes they did not commit. The knowledge gained by the GN-IP is shared through community education with judges, attorneys, law students, and law enforcement. Advocating for change has helped them implement policies, pass laws that help minimize the chances of wrongful convictions and rectify injustices.

     Seven people spent 84 years away from their family, friends, and life as they once knew it. On average, which is 12 years per person. People went bonkers only after a few months of the 2020 Covid lockdown. Can you fathom 12 years of your life GONE?

     I have chosen to donate to The Great North Innocence Project because it resonated with me how someone can be innocent but proven guilty due to a lack of current education or what the author M. Chris Fabricant calls Junk Science and the American Criminal Justice System.


     I like the word dogma! Dogma is an established opinion or point of view proposed as being authoritative, strong opinions or beliefs held as if they were still factual today.

     As the author of Mary 153 Mother of the Angels, I encountered dogma under a bizarre set of circumstances. I knew one day I was going to investigate the mysterious life of Mary Magdalene. During my investigation, dogma presented itself; what I had once been taught and believed was true was now false. New evidence was found! The Gospel of Mary, a Coptic manuscript called the Berlin Codex, was unearthed in Akhmim, Egypt. It was sold to Dr. Carl Reinhardt in 1896 in Cairo, Egypt. Another fantastic discovery of further evidence was found in December of 1945 near Nag Hammadi, Egypt. Fifty-two lost and buried gospels. This information began to clear Mary Magdalene’s name and title.

     It had been over fourteen hundred years since Pope Gregory the Great portrayed Mary Magdalene’s name as a prostitute and repentant sinner. In 1969 the pope cleared Mary Magdalene’s name, but the dogma has lived on in education materials and storytelling. In 2017, Pope Francis took the most significant step forward in exonerating Mary Magdalene’s image by announcing Saint Mary Magdalene as the “apostle to the apostles, and her feast day is 7/22 of each year.” Christianity began from her testimony! Jesus chose to appear to Mary Magdalene at his tomb; she was his first apostle and the messenger who announced the divine message.

     Mary Magdalene had anointed Jesus’ body at the tomb following the crucifixion, and the lines of the anointing before the crucifixion at Bethany by Mary have been blurred for hundreds of years. Why? Anointment was an act of divine grace. The person performing the act became a supreme mediator between God and the creation of a king. The significance of the action before burial was a unique privilege of a royal bride to the sacred king. Is Mary Magdalene the bride of Jesus, and could Mary Magdalene be the Holy Grail who transported this treasure in an earthen container to France? Referenced in the bible by 2 Corinthians 4:7. Could this be true? What are some of the facts we know?

     In 2000, Pope John Paul II apologized for past errors, and excesses, from the Holy inquisition to the persecution of Jews. I was looking closer at this apology. Noting the Holy Inquisition started in 1200 century France to wipe out “bloodline heresy” Ironically, Pope Innocent III ordered the first seized on July 22, 1209. His command “Kill them all; let God sort them out.” July 22nd is coincidentally the day to honor Mary Magdalene, her role, and her title. It doesn’t seem to be coincidental to me.

The Case of Joan of Arc

     Joan of Arc is the most famous case from the holy inquisition. Joan of Arc wore soldiers’ attire and carried a banner during the crusade with Jesus and Maria, referring to the sacred bloodline. Joan of Arc was burned at stake in 1431 for witchcraft and heresy. At the request of Joan’s family. In 1456 at Joan’s rehabilitation trial overseen by Inquisitor-General, Jean Brehal. The original trial was judged invalid due to deceit, improper procedures, and fraud. The charges against Joan of Arc were nullified.

     Never give up hope for what is true, right, and just! During my research in writing Mary 153 Mother of the Angels, I discovered in the lost Gospel of Phillip. Phillip referred to Mary Magdalene as The Mother of the Angels. It was now crystal clear! If Mary Magdalene is the mother of the Angels, she has sent help to me and others in the form of angels, giving us hope.

      More detailed information on angels, connections, and Mary 153 Mother of the Angels is available on Amazon. A portion of the proceeds is donated to the Great North Innocence Project.

     “So have no fear of them; for nothing is covered up that will not be uncovered, and nothing secret that will not become known.” Matthew 10:26